"......... Nischalatatwe Jibanamukti".
"Anyone who thinks the sky is the limit, has limited imagination."----- James Clerk Maxwell __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
We welcome interested and motivated fresh/ early career researchers to join our group for postdoctoral research. Some extramurally funded projects can have postdoctoral opening. Such vacancies will be advertised in our webpage as and when they arise. However, there are several national level postdoctoral fellowships, which the candidate can apply on their own. The candidates are welcome to contact Prof. Prabeer Barpanda (PI) to obtain consent letter and discuss proposed project work. Some such external schemes are (a) ANRF National Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme, (b) UGC Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme, (c) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan UGC Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme, (d) UGC Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women Candidates, (e) DST National Postdoctoral Fellowship in Nano Science and Technology, (f) DST WISE Postdoctoral Fellowship, (g) CSIR Research Associateship scheme, (h) INSA JRD TATA Fellowship scheme, and (i) IISc Raman Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme etc. Please contact the PI (prabeer-AT-iisc-DOT-ac-DOT-in) for any further information well in advance.
We are constantly seeking to have motivated graduate students, who are interested to pursue Ph. D. thesis work on energy storage materials. In order to join IISc Bangalore, the prospective candidates need to quality national level written tests (GATE/ NET/ UGC exams). The qualified candidates have to appear for on-site interview, which is usually held during summer term (May) and winter term (Nov). Following the qualification in both written and personal interview, the candidate can join IISc for their Ph. D. degree course. The admitted students are welcome to discuss possible Ph. D. project work with the PI. Parallel to the regular Ph. D. admission, IISc Chemical Science division also admit Integrated Ph. D. students following national level written exam (JAM) and personal on-site interview. After the initial year of general coursework, interested candidates are welcome to discuss possible Ph. D. project work with the PI (prabeer-AT-iisc-DOT-ac-DOT-in). It is also possible to join IISc as External Registration Programme (ERP) with external funding by respective employers.
IISc has a strong undergraduate/ integrated master (B. S./ M. S.) programme in five major areas. During the 3rd/ 4th year, interested candidates can pursue their undergraduate (B. S.) thesis. Also, students interested in continuing for their Master degree can conduct their master (M. S.) thesis in their 5th year. Motivated students from Materials Science and Chemistry majors are welcome to contact the PI (prabeer-AT-iisc-DOT-ac-DOT-in) for possible undergraduate and/or master thesis projects. Additionally, M.Sc. chemistry students can join for M.Sc. thesis research in their second year.
From time to time, we hire motivated candidates in our group for project assistantship. Usually, they are hired to carry out some experimental work necessary for extramurally supported projects. The candidates are hired as Junior Research Fellows (Project Assistants). Prospective candidates should have bachelor/ master degrees in materials science and chemistry related fields. Please contact PI (prabeer-AT-iisc-DOT-ac-DOT-in) for any further information.
We welcome interested undergraduate students for summer internship in our group during summer term (May-July). They can get exposure to energy storage materials research by working under senior graduate students. Owing to various constraints, only 3rd/4th year engineering undergraduates and final year science graduates can be considered for possible summer internship. In general, there is no financial support provided for summer interns. However, there are financially supported summer internship administered by Indian Academy of Sciences and other science/ engineering academies. It is the preferable mode to pursue summer internship. Enthusiastic undergraduate candidates are encouraged to apply for such academy fellowships. Following the selection, the candidates are welcome to contact the PI (prabeer-AT-iisc-DOT-ac-DOT-in).
We welcome short-term visitors to come and visit IISc and our group. Some high-school teachers and college faculties can apply for external funding to visit IISc to carry out 2-3 months research projects in IISc. Interested candidates are welcome to contact the PI (prabeer-AT-iisc-DOT-ac-DOT-in).