"......... Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam".
"You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward."----- Conrad Hall __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
W032. ‘Online national awareness workshop on UGC-DAE CSR facilities’,
HNB Garhwal University and UGC-DAE CSR Consortium for Scientific Research (Mumbai Centre),
Srinagar-Garhwal, India.
November 9-12, 2020.
W031. ‘Online workshop on Rietveld refinement method’,
UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research,
Mumbai, India.
September 22-24, 2020.
W030. ‘Indo-UK Newton-Bhabha workshop on electrochemical routes to energy storage and conversion’,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR),
Bangalore, India.
December 10-13, 2018.
W029. ‘Next generation energy storage materials: Opportunities and challenges’,
Dayananda Sagar University,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
September 28-29, 2018.
W028. ‘Science Academies lecture workshop on research issues on materials used for high energy storage devices’,
Conducted by the Indian Academies of Sciences (IASc, INSA and NASI), Kongu Engineering College,
Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
August 16-17, 2018.
W027. ‘ASEAN workshop on X-ray absorption spectroscopy (AWX2018)’,
The Siam Photon - Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI),
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
May 1-3, 2018.
W026. ‘I2CAM School on clean and renewable energy technologies via chemical route’,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR),
Bangalore, India.
November 27-30, 2017.
W025. ‘Indo-US joint workshop on clean energy: Electrochemical energy storage’,
Organized by the Department of Science and Technology, University of Chicago Center,
New Delhi, India.
March 7, 2016.
W024. ‘Workshop on Asian Charge Density analysis (ACDW-2015)’,
Indian Institute of Science (IISc),
Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
February 21-25, 2015.
W023. ‘School on neutrons as probes of condensed matter (NPCM)’,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC),
Mumbai, Maharastra, India.
January 27-31, 2015.
W022. ‘ECS-India School on advances in batteries and supercapacitors’,
Conducted by the Electrochemical Society India Chapter (by Prof. D. Aurbach),
Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India.
May 13-15, 2014.
W021. ‘The 2nd Canada-Japan Nanotechnology Workshop’,
National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS),
Tokyo, Japan.
January 29-30, 2013.
W020. ‘ICMS-Cambridge University winter school on frontiers in materials science’,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR),
Bangalore, India.
December 3-8, 2012. (with Financial Support).
W019. ‘India-Japan Symposium on Frontiers in Science and Technology: Successes and Emerging Challenges’,
Embassy of India,
Tokyo, Japan.
September 20-21, 2012.
W018. ‘Carbon materials for energy storage and generation’,
Organized by Elsevier Incorporation,
Shanghai, China.
July 24-25, 2011.
W017. ‘The 2010 CAMD summer school on electronic structure theory and materials design’,
Technical University of Denmark (DTU),
Lyngby, Denmark,
August 14-20, 2010 (Full Financial Support from DTU, Denmark).
W016. ‘Frontiers of Chemistry: From Molecules to Systems’,
Organized by Royal Society of Chemistry,
Paris, France.
May 21, 2010.
W015. ‘Fluorinated materials and energy conversion (FMEC-2010)’,
ICMCB, Universite de Bordeaux,
Bordeaux, France.
April 12-13, 2010 (presented an Invited Talk).
W014. ‘Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) workshop on Microscopy techniques for nanomaterials’,
Organized by the National Science Foundation,
Cancun, Mexico,
August 21-29, 2008. (Full Financial Support from NSF-USA)
W013. ‘Grand challenges of electron chemistry & catalysis at interfaces’,
University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB),
Santa Barbara, California, USA.
August 10-15, 2008 (with Full Scholarship).
W012. ‘Solid state chemistry’,
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) 2008,
New London, New Hampshire, USA.
July 27-31, 2008 (Director’s funding).
W011. ‘20th annual workshop on recent developments in electronic structure methods’,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC),
Urbana Champaign, Illinois, USA,
June 18-20, 2008 (with Full Scholarship).
W010. ‘1st USINSEI- Indo-US advanced studies institute on nanoscale science and engineering’,
Organized by the National Science Foundation,
Chennai, India.
January 09-18, 2008 (Full Financial Support from NSF-USA).
W009. ‘X-ray Physics’,
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) 2007,
New London, New Hampshire, USA.
August 05-10, 2007 (Director’s funding).
W008. ‘1st International Ceramic Congress- Global roadmap for ceramic research’,
Organized by The American Ceramic Society,
Toronto, Canada.
June 25-29, 2006 (Full Financial Support from NSF-USA).
W007. ‘Solid-state studies in ceramics: Optimization of performance through microstructural design’,
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) 2006,
Andover, New Hampshire, USA.
August 13-18, 2006 (Director’s funding).
W006. ‘Stereochemical aspects of novel materials’,
University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB),
Santa Barbara, California, USA.
August 14-27, 2005 (with Full Scholarship).
W005. ‘Summer school on computational materials science’,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC),
Urbana Champaign, Illinois, USA.
June 13-27, 2005 (with Full Scholarship).
W004. ‘Summer school and workshop on targets and ion sources’,
Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL),
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
May 23-27, 2005 (with Full Scholarship).
W003. ‘Workshop on strongly correlated electronic materials’,
Princeton Centre for Complex Materials (PCCM), Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey, USA.
January 27-28, 2005.
W002. ‘5th Swiss Light Source users meeting’,
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI),
Zurich, Switzerland.
October 4-5, 2004.
W001. ‘Workshop on Nanomaterials –Part II’,
International Max Planck Research School on Advanced Materials (IMPRS-AM),
Stuttgart, Germany.
September 27-29, 2004.
HNB Garhwal University and UGC-DAE CSR Consortium for Scientific Research (Mumbai Centre),
Srinagar-Garhwal, India.
November 9-12, 2020.
W031. ‘Online workshop on Rietveld refinement method’,
UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research,
Mumbai, India.
September 22-24, 2020.
W030. ‘Indo-UK Newton-Bhabha workshop on electrochemical routes to energy storage and conversion’,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR),
Bangalore, India.
December 10-13, 2018.
W029. ‘Next generation energy storage materials: Opportunities and challenges’,
Dayananda Sagar University,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
September 28-29, 2018.
W028. ‘Science Academies lecture workshop on research issues on materials used for high energy storage devices’,
Conducted by the Indian Academies of Sciences (IASc, INSA and NASI), Kongu Engineering College,
Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
August 16-17, 2018.
W027. ‘ASEAN workshop on X-ray absorption spectroscopy (AWX2018)’,
The Siam Photon - Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI),
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
May 1-3, 2018.
W026. ‘I2CAM School on clean and renewable energy technologies via chemical route’,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR),
Bangalore, India.
November 27-30, 2017.
W025. ‘Indo-US joint workshop on clean energy: Electrochemical energy storage’,
Organized by the Department of Science and Technology, University of Chicago Center,
New Delhi, India.
March 7, 2016.
W024. ‘Workshop on Asian Charge Density analysis (ACDW-2015)’,
Indian Institute of Science (IISc),
Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
February 21-25, 2015.
W023. ‘School on neutrons as probes of condensed matter (NPCM)’,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC),
Mumbai, Maharastra, India.
January 27-31, 2015.
W022. ‘ECS-India School on advances in batteries and supercapacitors’,
Conducted by the Electrochemical Society India Chapter (by Prof. D. Aurbach),
Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India.
May 13-15, 2014.
W021. ‘The 2nd Canada-Japan Nanotechnology Workshop’,
National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS),
Tokyo, Japan.
January 29-30, 2013.
W020. ‘ICMS-Cambridge University winter school on frontiers in materials science’,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR),
Bangalore, India.
December 3-8, 2012. (with Financial Support).
W019. ‘India-Japan Symposium on Frontiers in Science and Technology: Successes and Emerging Challenges’,
Embassy of India,
Tokyo, Japan.
September 20-21, 2012.
W018. ‘Carbon materials for energy storage and generation’,
Organized by Elsevier Incorporation,
Shanghai, China.
July 24-25, 2011.
W017. ‘The 2010 CAMD summer school on electronic structure theory and materials design’,
Technical University of Denmark (DTU),
Lyngby, Denmark,
August 14-20, 2010 (Full Financial Support from DTU, Denmark).
W016. ‘Frontiers of Chemistry: From Molecules to Systems’,
Organized by Royal Society of Chemistry,
Paris, France.
May 21, 2010.
W015. ‘Fluorinated materials and energy conversion (FMEC-2010)’,
ICMCB, Universite de Bordeaux,
Bordeaux, France.
April 12-13, 2010 (presented an Invited Talk).
W014. ‘Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) workshop on Microscopy techniques for nanomaterials’,
Organized by the National Science Foundation,
Cancun, Mexico,
August 21-29, 2008. (Full Financial Support from NSF-USA)
W013. ‘Grand challenges of electron chemistry & catalysis at interfaces’,
University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB),
Santa Barbara, California, USA.
August 10-15, 2008 (with Full Scholarship).
W012. ‘Solid state chemistry’,
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) 2008,
New London, New Hampshire, USA.
July 27-31, 2008 (Director’s funding).
W011. ‘20th annual workshop on recent developments in electronic structure methods’,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC),
Urbana Champaign, Illinois, USA,
June 18-20, 2008 (with Full Scholarship).
W010. ‘1st USINSEI- Indo-US advanced studies institute on nanoscale science and engineering’,
Organized by the National Science Foundation,
Chennai, India.
January 09-18, 2008 (Full Financial Support from NSF-USA).
W009. ‘X-ray Physics’,
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) 2007,
New London, New Hampshire, USA.
August 05-10, 2007 (Director’s funding).
W008. ‘1st International Ceramic Congress- Global roadmap for ceramic research’,
Organized by The American Ceramic Society,
Toronto, Canada.
June 25-29, 2006 (Full Financial Support from NSF-USA).
W007. ‘Solid-state studies in ceramics: Optimization of performance through microstructural design’,
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) 2006,
Andover, New Hampshire, USA.
August 13-18, 2006 (Director’s funding).
W006. ‘Stereochemical aspects of novel materials’,
University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB),
Santa Barbara, California, USA.
August 14-27, 2005 (with Full Scholarship).
W005. ‘Summer school on computational materials science’,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC),
Urbana Champaign, Illinois, USA.
June 13-27, 2005 (with Full Scholarship).
W004. ‘Summer school and workshop on targets and ion sources’,
Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL),
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
May 23-27, 2005 (with Full Scholarship).
W003. ‘Workshop on strongly correlated electronic materials’,
Princeton Centre for Complex Materials (PCCM), Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey, USA.
January 27-28, 2005.
W002. ‘5th Swiss Light Source users meeting’,
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI),
Zurich, Switzerland.
October 4-5, 2004.
W001. ‘Workshop on Nanomaterials –Part II’,
International Max Planck Research School on Advanced Materials (IMPRS-AM),
Stuttgart, Germany.
September 27-29, 2004.