"......... Prithvi Shantih Apah Shantih".
"As the bee collecteth honey with great zest, so the fool collecteth wealth."----- Sant Kabir __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Michael Faraday (1791-1867) was a British Scientist having made immense contribution to physical and chemical sciences. While my study at Cambridge, I came to know about Faraday and his body of work. He was beyond his time breaking many stereotypes of society. What inspires me the most is his immense passion for science and learnability. Without any formal higher education, he went on to become one of the greatest scientist with pathbreaking contribution to electromagnetism and electrochemistry. A devout Christian, he was very instrumental in explaining many fundamental scientific principles. It is Faraday who contributed and developed electrocatalysis and coined many key terms in electrochemistry. In his honour, there is Faraday constant and Farad unit. Paying my tribute, I have named my research group (Faraday Materials Laboratory) after him. What can I say.....he is my hero.

Leonardo di ser piero da Vinci (1452-1519), commonly known as Leonardo da Vinci, was an Italian polymath, renowned for for diverse skills in painting, engineering, design, sculpting, architecture, anatomy and invention. I am simply awestruck by this man, who was adept in variety of skills. A unique combination of science and arts, da Vinci was a prolific and iconoclastic contributor in his era. Starting from Monalisa painting to law of friction, he is credited with numerous sculpting, scientific discovery and illustrations of human anatomy. A bachelor, controversial at times and innovative throughout, he made a lasting mark in human history.
A true multi-talented personality.
A true multi-talented personality.

Nicola Tesla (1856-1943), was an American inventor of Serbian origin. A multi-talented personality with keen interest in electrical/ mechanical engineering and vision of futuristic technologies, he is well known for his contributions in designing modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. In his honour, the SI unit of magnetic flux density is named Tesla during the general conference on weights and measures. He invented and patented several ideas and was a charismatic speaker. A bachelor and recluse his whole life, he was way ahead of his time and was a true visionary.